News from 29.11.2016



I made all of Plasma Pack maps, but needs to find and fix some bugs. Besides I'm going to make a new enemies from Plasma Pack episode. GreenPod and FirePod are completed today. 

A bit closer to release (02.11.2016)



Hi! Well, I think, I completed Zombie AI, Innocent AI and Thernobog AI now. The next step - making a PlasmaPak episode. That's all :)

Tekwar port 1.0 released (25.07.2016)



Ok, I released a new version..I think, its stable v1.0. Attention! My port designed to operate with the full version of the game, therefore try to find it :) There is a sounds offset with using Demo version.

So, Now its possible to enable/disable texture filter (linear/nearest), show fps. Also its possible to setup buttons for keyboard and mouse. I made "user map" menu option and other menu additions. 

And now, I thinking to start works with Tchernobog AI for BloodCM now.

My plans on future (05.10.2016)



Hi again! Today I completed reverse-engeneering of blood AI and its working in my Java port now :) My next step to include this AI in my BloodCM, make Plasma Pak episode and make a release of CM. After that I will working on my port again. The new release will be include a new Zombie AI, Tchernobog AI and Civil AI...maybe I will fix a strange bug with keys which I never seen...and 5th episode... I think that's all :) 

I released beta version of gdxTekwar  (01.07.2016)



Hi :) I made a new files category called "Java" today. I will put my Java projects in this category and first, what I did - I replaced Build Art Files Editor to this category. And second what I did - I released a beta version of my Tekwar port, which you also can find in Java files category. This port should be the future of my Blood port.

I hope you enjoy it, check it now :)

Not interesting news (02.10.2016)



Hi there! At this morning I made almost identical Blood AI of Zombie. This AI I will include to BloodCM at near future and maybe I will release a new BloodCM with Plasma Pak episode someday :) As you can guess at this time I working on decompilation of Blood and trying to make my own port of Blood. On this video you can see my progress. There is just a render only with loader of Blood's map and QAVs files (and also GRP and ART files too, of course :)). So, don't forget me :))

Im working on Tekwar port (25.06.2016)



Hi everyone :) At last time I working on port of Build Engine and my first port will be gdxTekwar, writing on Java with using Libgdx framework. Im using this framework because its crossplatform and I can launch my port on PCs or smartphones. Im choosed Tekwar, because its easier then Duke Nukem 3D or Blood and I want to learn this Engine well and also I want to rewrite renderer on OpenGLES2.0 because I hope it should be faster and I will can write some beauty effects on shaders. So, when I complete Tekwar port I perhaps will working on Blood port, or Duke Nukem 3D port, but before porting of Blood I will need learn how to works ROR effect.

But so, I made a one video with demostration my gdxTekwar, you can see this video here:  gdxTekwar video

Also I made a new album called Java screenshots, in this album you can see my work on last 2-3 month


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